BrownShoes The Merchant


This foul creature searches the lands for anything he can eat or trade. He isn't your typical tradesmen as you may have guessed and doesn’t look in the places you might think! No, he searches the lands where most men fear to go from swamps to dark dungeons and even graveyards. This creature has no morals; it steals from the dead and dying as often as it can.  As a result, those in the surrounding villages refer to him as  'the corpse snatcher'. However when the brothers first encountered him, his lack of manners caused him to merely hiss as way of an introduction. The youngest brother, noticing that the old and disheveled troll was naked apart from a pair of brown shoes renamed him the same. Legend has it that these weren't always Brownshoes, shoes, apparently they used to belong to a man called Bert. Bless him, while out on his travels he innocently set up his tent a little too close to the crystal trolls lair.



Meet my latest character BrownShoes the merchant, For this concept I was lucky to have the great Jan Schubert give me a helping hand where he spent a few hours texturing and lookDev'ing the crystal troll. There is still much to do for the merchant and I hope to complete him soon but for now here is the work in progress and his BIO.

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