Writing the Story

In early 2011 I sketched my first idea for a game and now 8 years later I have a finished story.

I’m pretty chuffed to have finished this as I’ve always been horrific at Literature and even worse at spelling. I didn’t overly know how to go about writing a game story all those years ago so I wrote it as a Novel.

There is much that needs ironing out with much more history and detail to be added in draft two, But nonetheless its a finished and complete story.

Word count 78000
pages 125
deleted pages 25
38 Chapters

Whenever I found a free moment to drop into the fantasy world, I would take advantage and attempt to chip away at the story, From the Tube, most London pubs ;) and a tiny little Island in Vancouver every lunch break. even in the hospital while I awaited for my special little lady Aeris to arrive.

Jason Brown